Restore the gum line with minimally-invasive treatments

  • Long in the tooth?

    Your teeth appearing larger than normal can be a sign that your gums are receding.

  • Notches Along The Gum Line

    If you feel a ridge around the edge of your gum line, then you may have considerable gum recession.

  • Feeling Sensitive?

    Another sign of gum recession is experiencing sensitivity to temperature or touch.

Identifying Gum Recession

Some of the common symptoms of gum recession include: teeth appearing larger than normal, a small notch forming around the gum line, and sensitive teeth. If you notice any of these symptoms, you must seek treatment for gum recession as soon as possible. The gums do not grow back once they have receded so early intervention is key to maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile.

Gum Recession Treatment Options

We can perform a gum grafting procedure to restore the gum line or laser dentistry procedures to change the appearance of the gums. Gum recession procedures include: pocket depth reduction, tissue regeneration, and soft tissue grafts. Some patients may prefer a minimally-invasive alternative to surgery called the Pinhole Surgical Technique (PSTâ„¢). We can provide more information about different gum recession treatment options during your consultation.

Common Causes of Gum Recession

Periodontal disease is one of the leading causes of gum recession but your gums can wear down or recede for several other reasons, including using the wrong tooth brushing technique, tobacco use, hormonal changes, and grinding or clenching the teeth. We offer a few options for restoring the gum line and ensuring you maintain optimal oral health.

Ways to Prevent Gum Recession

Gum recession is a preventable condition. In some cases, certain lifestyle habits can be modified to prevent wear and tear of the gums. Seeing Dr. Scott Jett regularly for a checkup or getting regular cleanings can keep your gums in good health. Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet, refraining from tobacco use, and using the right type of toothbrush can also prevent gum deterioration. If you have a misaligned bite or are experiencing teeth grinding problems, you may need gum recession treatment sooner than later.

Stop Gum Recession

Keep your gum recession from causing tooth loss. Call (559) 436-8101 or fill out this form to request an appointment.

25 Years of Experience. Over 10,000 Smiling Patients.

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Our team is ready to help you book an appointment. Proper dental care can make the difference in years to come. Our specialists can help you restore your oral health in the long run, as well as relieve pain.